32 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-1-935770-08-4

32 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-1-935770-03-9
The Ancient Murrelet is Keith Taylor’s fourteenth publication and his first poetry chapbook from Alice Greene & Co. In addition to his poetry, he is a writer of fiction and has edited anthologies as well as being the poetry editor for the Michigan Review. Keith coordinates the undergraduate program in creative writing at the University of Michigan and also directs the Bear River Writer’s Conference.
In this collection he explores the meaning of home and the challenges of being separated from it. Nostalgia is not sentimentality, but “the sickness that comes from longing for home.” Keith draws on his travels in younger days through Europe and Asia, the people he would meet, and connects them to where he lives now, to Michigan, its wildlife and the cycles of nature. The Ancient Murrelet is a bird not commonly found in these parts, but can sometimes get blown far from its home.
Keith’s poetry is interspersed with line drawings by Melanie Boyle. Click on this sample to see larger.